Providing Independent Legal Advice for Individuals in Divorce Mediation

Get the independent legal advice you need during your divorce mediation from Susan Wakefield Mediation. My role as your review counsel is to support you with advice and guidance when you are in divorce mediation. With more than 35 years of experience in family and divorce law, I ensure you know your legal rights and options while you mediate your divorce settlement. As a mediator myself, I fully support your decision to mediate your divorce.

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Meeting Individuals at All Stages of the
Mediation Process

Before the Mediation

Some individuals seek independent advice from a review counsel before starting mediation to:

  • Discuss the Divorce Mediation Process

  • Ask Questions so they know what to expect in terms of their Legal Rights

  • Get Basic Information on Custody and Child Support

During the Mediation

Other individuals choose to meet in between sessions to discuss the status of the mediation and the progress being made. They also pose questions they would prefer not to ask during the mediation session or questions the impartial mediator is unable to answer.

After the Mediation and Before Signing Their Agreement

Many individuals seek review counsel at the end of the mediation process when an agreement has been prepared by the mediator. They do this to discuss and get advice on the fairness of the agreement before signing and finalizing the Agreement.

Why Partner With Review Counsel?

  • Review counsel acts as your advocate and focuses on your best interests, needs, and concerns, which is a key component that will help to ensure a fair and equitable outcome

  • Discusses and reviews your divorce agreement and will ensure you are being protected, and the agreement is fair and equitable

  • Advises on how to advocate for yourself during the mediation process

  • Allows you to ask questions and express concerns that you may not feel comfortable doing at the mediation table

  • Helps prepare you for mediation sessions so you know what questions to ask and helps you explain your concerns

The client decides the extent of the involvement of their review counsel during their mediation process based on their needs, concerns, and level of comfort regarding and throughout the mediation process.

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Talk to an Expert

Partner with me for an in-person and virtual divorce mediation session. Let us start working on your case by calling me for a free 30-minute phone consultation. I offer flexible payment options.
